Generation Of Intelligent Phones

Mobile Tech Geeks

Mobile tech geeks that change phone every new generation.

KAJANG: Experiencing the evolution of smartphone from generation to generation.

WhatsApp Image 2017-03-18 at 10.46.47 PM.jpegRoshan Jay, 21, UTAR student, Mobile Tech Geek currently using the latest iPhone 7 plus, a proud user of iPhone.

Roshan said that it is very interesting to see how Apple managed to maintain their signature smartphone upkeep with all the latest and greatest smartphone out there. Although it may not seem a lot of attractive features for other consumer. But for me, I can see that Apple is always on top of their game.

smartphone.jpgA timeline and photos of all the iPhones Roshan had used in the past.

2.jpegiPhone 3Gs is the most memorable iPhone for Roshan as it was his first Mobile phone. Which was also the worst as it doesn’t really do anything.

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 iPhone 5s is where Roshan starts to appreciate the technology for its fingerprint sensor

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The current iPhone 7 Plus that Roshan is currently using is the Best phone he ever used.





Apple is recognized for their Operating System which is iOS, for its availability across majority of their iPhones, with 79% of devices using the latest iOS10, 16% on iOS 9 and 5% on earlier firmware till today.

He added that throughout all the iPhones that he used, he really could experience the technology advances and is very interested to what Apple has install for the next iPhone.

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Mobile Tech Geeks 

Smartphone Specification’s Importance

Special Features in a Smartphone

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